Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More on Oman

Here are some more of my photos to enjoy.

The bus drivers

Our cave the deluxe accomadations

Our "Fearless" Leaders

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Picture Paints a Thousand Memories

My children...I took this one 'while you were sleeping' at Seven Arches. I have reduced the size considerably for the blog's sake--but this was one very beautiful morning. I can truly say we spent 30 mornings in Jerusalem many years ago and only saw one that was its equal. You know Jerusalem is called "The City of Gold"--but its not its wealth--its "the glow." Click on this to enlarge so you can enjoy it. I'll post some more (I have nearly 5,000). This picture brings to my mind the words of our favorite song about this Holy City: "Shofar sounding from the temple to call the world to prayer. The shepherd pauses in the valley and peace is every where. How many songs, how many stories, the stony hills recall. Around her heart my city carries a lonely ancient wall. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Forever young, forever old. My heart will sing your songs of glory. Jerusalem."

Pleiadas or Seven Sisters!

As I looked at this picture of the Pleiadas constellation I am very honored to be called a "Pleiada". I know I speak for the other 6. We will never forgot all of you who named us seven add ons as the "Pleidas".

Crazy Camel

Beautiful sunrise!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kiss a camel